Prepare Data

#!/usr/bin/env bash

This script performs all the necessary actions to download a directory of XML timetables from the API and pushes all of the tables to a PostgreSQL instance.

In order to run you will need to edit the following: 1. app_id and app_key TfL API credentials in r/tfl-developer-passwords.R 2. PostgreSQL connection settings in r/FeatherUpload.R This script downloads the necessary zip file and unpacks the Underground timetables to a local directory ../1_data/1_1_raw_data/timetables/data

Rscript r/GetData.R

This script parses the raw XML to a number of Pandas dataframes and dumps a directory of Feather files for interpretation by R For usage see python3 python/ --help

python3 python/ ../1_data/1_1_raw_data/timetables/data ../1_data/1_2_processed_data

FeatherUpload.R reads the Feather files and appends them to existing tables in a PostgreSQL database. The connection settings are self-contained within this script.

Rscript r/FeatherUpload.R

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