Shortest Path

This file provides the algorithms implemented in the Visualising Data notebook in order to use as a standalone module.

The NetworkX object for the Departures Board query used in the notebook is also provided to avoid having to setup a database and run any preceding extraction code.

Due to its size, this pickle object is kept on a separate branch from master to keep the master clone size small.

Source code

import networkx as nx
example_path_query = {
'From_StopPointName': 'Bank',
'To_StopPointName': 'Victoria',
'time': 9 * 60,
'leave_after': True
def setup_shortest_path(path_query):
Add the Start and End nodes to the network for the given query
Connect them to the departures and arrivals for the relevant stations
# For "Leave After" query, assign the leaving time to the start node
# and leave arriving time as unknown
if path_query['leave_after'] == True:
H.add_node('Start', StopPointName = path_query['From_StopPointName'],
MinuteOfDay = path_query['time'], movement = 'Departure')
H.add_node('End', StopPointName = path_query['To_StopPointName'],
MinuteOfDay = None, movement = 'Arrival')
# For "Arrive Before" query, assign the arriving time to the end node
# and leave departure time as unknown
H.add_node('Start', StopPointName = path_query['From_StopPointName'],
MinuteOfDay = None, movement = 'Departure')
H.add_node('End', StopPointName = path_query['To_StopPointName'],
MinuteOfDay = path_query['time'], movement = 'Arrival')
for n, n_data in H.nodes(data=True):
# Don't want to add an edge from 'Start' to 'End', 'End' to 'End' or 'Start' to 'Start'
if n == 'Start' or n == 'End':
if path_query['leave_after'] == True:
# Cannot catch a train that has already left
if n_data['MinuteOfDay'] >= path_query['time']:
if path_query['From_StopPointName'] in n_data['StopPointName']:
H.add_edge('Start', n, movement = 'Start',
cost = n_data['MinuteOfDay'] - path_query['time'])
if path_query['To_StopPointName'] in n_data['StopPointName']:
H.add_edge(n, 'End', movement = 'End',
cost = 0)
# No point catching a train that leaves after we want to arrive
if n_data['MinuteOfDay'] <= path_query['time']:
if path_query['From_StopPointName'] in n_data['StopPointName']:
H.add_edge('Start', n, movement = 'Start',
cost = 0)
if path_query['To_StopPointName'] in n_data['StopPointName']:
H.add_edge(n, 'End', movement = 'End',
cost = path_query['time'] - n_data['MinuteOfDay'])
def minutes_to_time(minutes_past_midnight):
Reformat a decimal 'minutes past midnight' to a time string rounded to the nearest second
hours, remainder = divmod(minutes_past_midnight * 60, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
return '{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}'.format(hours, minutes, int(seconds))
def print_path(path):
Iterate through a journey's shortest path and print only the relevant information
ie. When to board a train, change trains or leave a station
for u,v in zip(path,path[1:]):
u_data = H.nodes(data=True)[u]
v_data = H.nodes(data=True)[v]
edge_data = H[u][v]
# Starting information
if edge_data['movement'] == 'Start':
print('Start journey from {} at {}\n'.format(u_data['StopPointName'],
minutes_to_time(v_data['MinuteOfDay'] - edge_data['cost'])))
# Changing onto a train from waiting at a platform
elif previous_edge['movement'] == 'Start' or \
(previous_edge['movement'] == 'Stay' and previous_edge['movement'] != edge_data['movement']):
print('Board the {:>7} line train from {} at {}'.format(edge_data['movement'],
# Changing off a train from travelling through any number of stops
elif edge_data['movement'] != previous_edge['movement'] and edge_data['movement'] == 'Stay':
print('Disembark the {:>3} line train at {} at {}'.format(previous_edge['movement'],
# Finishing information
elif edge_data['movement'] == 'End':
print('\nFinish journey at {} at {}'.format(u_data['StopPointName'],
previous_edge = edge_data
def plan_journey(H, path_query):
Add Start and End nodes to the network temporarily based on `path_query`
Calculate and print shortest path
Remove Start and End nodes (along with any induced edges) to 'clean' network for next query
path = nx.shortest_path(H, source='Start', target='End', weight='cost')
H.remove_nodes_from(['Start', 'End'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Location of NetworkX GPickle object
file = "../../1_data/1_3_saved_analysis_objects/DeparturesGraph20171218.gpickle"
H = nx.read_gpickle(file)
query = example_path_query
plan_journey(H, query)
query['To_StopPointName'] = 'Mile End'
plan_journey(H, query)
#> Start journey from Bank at 09:00:00
#> Board the CEN line train from Bank at 09:01:00
#> Disembark the CEN line train at Oxford Circus at 09:09:00
#> Board the VIC line train from Oxford Circus at 09:10:00
#> Finish journey at Victoria at 09:14:00
#> Start journey from Bank at 09:00:00
#> Board the CEN line train from Bank at 09:00:00
#> Finish journey at Mile End at 09:07:00

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