TfL Timetable

This file provides a custom class for parsing the UK Department for Transport TransXChange schema used across the country for representing train, bus, ferry, tube and light rail timetable data.

The logic provided here has been tested on the tube timetables only however the schema is identical across transport modes and should be highly portable.

To see how to call this class see the Main() function in


The class is based on the ElementTree object and is initialised from the file path to an XML timetable file.

It contains a number of methods for parsing data, the primary interface being get_df which calls the other methods as required.

The final part of the class defines the XPaths to various data points found in the timetable. Not every data point in every timetable has been defined so these can be added if necessary.

Source code

import pandas as pd
from lxml import etree
_DEBUG_ = False
class TfLTimetable(etree._ElementTree):
# Define TransXChange schema namespace
ns = {'txc': ''}
def __init__(self, file):
Initialise as an ElementTree object from the
path to a TransXChange Timetable XML file


def get_xpath(self, path):
path An XPath
Simple wrapper for xpath method that includes
the required TransXChange namespace
Returns a list of all XPath matches
return self.xpath(path, namespaces=self.ns)
def get_tag(self, e):
e An lxml node element
Simple wrapper for returning a tag name
without the namespace information
Returns the tag name as a string
return e.tag.lstrip('{'+self.ns['txc']+'}')
def get_varying_child_tags(self, path):
path The XPath to an Operating Profile node.
See TfLTimetable.op_prof_paths
These nodes contain a varying number of nested child tags
so it is necessary to extract the tag names of each
tag that is present and match it to an id_value found
in a specific parent tag (defined for each type of XPath;
VehicleJourney or Service).
Returns a dictionary of DataFrames where each item is a
particular profile (RegularDayType, BankHolidayOperation, ...)
Each DataFrame contains two columns: the id_value repetitively
listed against each child tag found for that id.
tables = {}
colnames = {}
for e in self.get_xpath(path):
id_parent = e.getparent().getparent()
# Extract the relevant id to store the extracted child tags against
if 'VehicleJourney' in id_parent.tag:
id_value = id_parent[3].text # VehicleJourneyCode is the 4th node of the parent
category = 'VehicleJourneys'
elif 'Service' in id_parent.tag:
id_value = id_parent[0].text # ServiceCode is the 1st node of the parent
category = 'Services'
raise ValueError('This XPath is not yet supported')
if _DEBUG_: print(id_value)
# Loop through the types of profiles (RegularDayType, BankHolidayOperation, ...)
# creating a new table and column names for each
for profile in e:
tablename = category + '_' + self.get_tag(profile.getparent()) + '_' + \
colnames[tablename] = [category, self.get_tag(profile)]
if _DEBUG_: print(col_name)
# Loop through the child tags extracting out the tag name and adding
# it to the newly created table
for child in profile.iterchildren():
cell_value = self.get_tag(child)
if tablename not in tables:
tables[tablename] = [(id_value, cell_value)]
tables[tablename].append((id_value, cell_value))
if _DEBUG_: print(cell_value)
# Store DataFrame in dictionary keyed by tablename
for tablename, data in tables.items():
tables[tablename] = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, columns = colnames[tablename])
return tables
def get_occasional_child_node(self, path):
path The XPath to a node that is sometimes missing
This function is called if a tilde is found in the
XPath. Though not a valid XPath character it is used here
to signify a call to this function and then removed.
An example of an occasional child node is the WaitTime
at a station. If a train has no WaitTime at a station then
the node does not appear so this function handles the XPath
not necessarily existing.
This has to be extracted manually because etree.xpath returns
a list of results so there is no way to match the missing values
back to their ids otherwise.
Returns a list of extracted values equal in length to the
number of matches of path_parent (and therefore does not squash
missing values).
path_parent, path_child = path.split('~')
col = []
for node in self.get_xpath(path_parent):
val = node.xpath(path_child, namespaces=self.ns)
# val is a list with only ever 0 or one elements
col.append(val[0] if len(val) > 0 else None)
return col
def get_df(self, dict_of_paths):
dict_of_paths A dictionary of XPaths all corresponding
to a single table and should therefore be
equal in the number of returned rows for
each path.
See TfLTimetable.NptgLocalities et al.
Dispatches Case 1, 2 or 3 depending on any special characters
foun in the incumbent XPath.
Returns a single dataframe where each column corresponds to
the keys of dict_of_paths
cols = []
for var, path in dict_of_paths.items():
# Case 1: Tag may or may not exist.
# ~ is not a valid XPath character but is used to manually
# indicate a call to Case 1
if '~' in path:
cols.append((var, self.get_occasional_child_node(path)))
# Case 2: Return a column for the id attribute of the parent node
# with the same length as the number of siblings.
# parent::node() is not a valid XPath expression in this context
# but is used to manually indicate a call to Case 2
elif path.endswith('parent::node()'):
nodes = self.get_xpath(path.rstrip('/parent::node()'))
cols.append((var, [node.getparent().get('id') for node in nodes]))
# Case 3: Return a column for XPath values
cols.append((var, self.get_xpath(path)))
df = pd.DataFrame.from_items(cols)
return df


Contains the XPath definitions of the columns for each table within a TransXChange XML file. Currently omits tables and columns which are not relevant to London Underground timetables

# NptgLocalities
root_localities = "./txc:NptgLocalities/txc:AnnotatedNptgLocalityRef"
NptgLocalities = {
"NptgLocalityRef": root_localities + "/txc:NptgLocalityRef/text()",
"LocalityName": root_localities + "/txc:LocalityName/text()"
# StopPoints
root_stops = "./txc:StopPoints/txc:StopPoint"
StopPoints = {
"AtcoCode": root_stops + "/txc:AtcoCode/text()",
"Descriptor_CommonName": root_stops + "/txc:Descriptor/txc:CommonName/text()",
"Place_NptgLocalityRef": root_stops + "/txc:Place/txc:NptgLocalityRef/text()",
"Place_Location_Easting": root_stops + "/txc:Place/txc:Location/txc:Easting/text()",
"Place_Location_Northing": root_stops + "/txc:Place/txc:Location/txc:Northing/text()",
# RouteSections and RouteLinks
root_routelinks = "./txc:RouteSections/txc:RouteSection/txc:RouteLink"
RouteLinks = {
"RouteSections": root_routelinks + "/parent::node()",
"RouteLink": root_routelinks + "/@id",
"From_StopPointRef": root_routelinks + "/txc:From/txc:StopPointRef/text()",
"To_StopPointRef": root_routelinks + "/txc:To/txc:StopPointRef/text()",
"Distance": root_routelinks + "~txc:Distance/text()",
"Direction": root_routelinks + "/txc:Direction/text()",
# Routes
root_routes = "./txc:Routes/txc:Route"
Routes = {
"Route": root_routes + "/@id",
"Description": root_routes + "/txc:Description/text()",
"RouteSectionRef": root_routes + "/txc:RouteSectionRef/text()",
# JourneyPatternSections and JourneyPatternTimingLink
root_journeysections = "./txc:JourneyPatternSections/txc:JourneyPatternSection/txc:JourneyPatternTimingLink"
JourneyPatternTimingLinks = {
"JourneyPatternSections": root_journeysections + "/parent::node()",
"JourneyPatternTimingLink": root_journeysections + "/@id",
"From_SequenceNumber": root_journeysections + "/txc:From/@SequenceNumber",
"From_Activity": root_journeysections + "/txc:From/txc:Activity/text()",
"From_StopPointRef": root_journeysections + "/txc:From/txc:StopPointRef/text()",
"To_SequenceNumber": root_journeysections + "/txc:To/@SequenceNumber",
"To_Activity": root_journeysections + "/txc:To/txc:Activity/text()",
"To_StopPointRef": root_journeysections + "/txc:To/txc:StopPointRef/text()",
"RouteLinkRef": root_journeysections + "/txc:RouteLinkRef/text()",
"RunTime": root_journeysections + "/txc:RunTime/text()",
"WaitTime": root_journeysections + "/txc:To~txc:WaitTime/text()", # invalid xpath, used to distinguish from generic node
# Services
root_services = "./txc:Services/txc:Service"
Services = {
"ServiceCode": root_services + "/txc:ServiceCode/text()",
"Line": root_services + "/txc:Lines/txc:Line/@id",
"LineName": root_services + "/txc:Lines/txc:Line/txc:LineName/text()",
"OpPeriod_StartDate": root_services + "/txc:OperatingPeriod/txc:StartDate/text()",
"OpPeriod_EndDate": root_services + "/txc:OperatingPeriod/txc:EndDate/text()",
#"OpProf_DaysOfWeek": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:RegularDayType/txc:DaysOfWeek",
#"OpProf_Hol_DayofOp": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:BankHolidayOperation/txc:DaysOfOperation",
#"OpProf_Hol_DayofNonOp": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:BankHolidayOperation/txc:DaysOfNonOperation",
"Description": root_services + "/txc:Description/text()",
"StandardService_Origin": root_services + "/txc:StandardService/txc:Origin/text()",
"StandardService_Destination": root_services + "/txc:StandardService/txc:Destination/text()",
ServicesOpProf = {
"ServiceCode": root_services + "/txc:ServiceCode/text()",
"OpProf_DaysOfWeek": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:RegularDayType/txc:DaysOfWeek",
"OpProf_Hol_DayofOp": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:BankHolidayOperation/txc:DaysOfOperation",
"OpProf_Hol_DayofNonOp": root_services + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:BankHolidayOperation/txc:DaysOfNonOperation",
# JourneyPatterns
root_journeypatterns = "./txc:Services/txc:Service/txc:StandardService/txc:JourneyPattern"
JourneyPatterns = {
"JourneyPattern": root_journeypatterns + "/@id",
"Direction": root_journeypatterns + "/txc:Direction/text()",
"RouteRef": root_journeypatterns + "/txc:RouteRef/text()",
"JourneyPatternSectionRefs": root_journeypatterns + "/txc:JourneyPatternSectionRefs/text()",
# VehicleJourneys
root_vehiclejourneys = "./txc:VehicleJourneys/txc:VehicleJourney"
VehicleJourneys = {
"PrivateCode": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:PrivateCode/text()",
#"OpProf_DaysOfWeek": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:RegularDayType/txc:DaysOfWeek",
"VehicleJourneyCode": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:VehicleJourneyCode/text()",
"ServiceRef": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:ServiceRef/text()",
"LineRef": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:LineRef/text()",
"JourneyPatternRef": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:JourneyPatternRef/text()",
"DepartureTime": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:DepartureTime/text()",
VehicleJourneysOpProf = {
"VehicleJourneyCode": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:VehicleJourneyCode/text()",
"OpProf_DaysOfWeek": root_vehiclejourneys + "/txc:OperatingProfile/txc:RegularDayType/txc:DaysOfWeek",

Dictionary collating all tables’ XPaths together

required_xpaths = {
"NptgLocalities": NptgLocalities,
"StopPoints": StopPoints,
"RouteLinks": RouteLinks,
"Routes": Routes,
"JourneyPatternTimingLinks": JourneyPatternTimingLinks,
"Services": Services,
"JourneyPatterns": JourneyPatterns,
"VehicleJourneys": VehicleJourneys

Defines the Operating Profile XPaths which require scraping via get_varying_child_tags rather than get_df as per all other XPaths.

op_prof_paths = [

Copyright © Ruaridh Williamson 2017

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